Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My 2 cents on scents....

This morning while I was shaving my legs, I got to thinking about scents. Now I know you are asking,"What does shaving legs have to do with scents?" Let me explain....

My ultimate all-time favorite fruit is mango. So, I am inevitably drawn to anything that has the word "mango" on it. Shampoo, lotions, foods....anything with mango on the label winds up in my shopping cart (can we all say "impulse buyer!!). While shopping Monday, I had "women's shaving cream" written on my list, so I proceed down the shaving aisle and my eyes are immediately drawn to this lovely orange bottle of Skintastic - "Flirty Mango" shaving cream. It, practically on its own accord, jumped into my cart. This all brings us back to shaving my legs this morning. Let me just say, that whoever invented putting scents into shaving cream should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize! (Why's been given to folks for less reason!) As all women know...shaving legs is NOT a very exhilarating experience. In fact, I totally rebel against it during the winter months. Somehow, shaving with something that smells like fresh, juicy, lovely mangos completely changes the experience! I ALMOST wish that the hair on my legs would grow faster, so I could shave them every day, just so I can smell the shaving cream.

Yes, I am obsessed with scents. Scents are a source of immense enjoyment for me. I don't have a very big nose, but my nose "leads" me through life. I haven't thoroughly enjoyed an experience unless I've used my nose. I LOVE things that smell good. I will not buy a product unless I like the smell of it. Some people just grab the first bottle on the shelf, or they have their certain favorites that they buy every time, never deviating. Not I...I will spend 15 minutes in the shampoo or body wash aisle smelling all the different scents before making my selection. I love it when new fragrances come I have something new to smell. I do have my favorites. Like lavender, for example. I buy lavender EVERYTHING. If it is a cleaning product, laundry product, air freshener, etc. it will 9 times out of 10 be lavender. Another of my favorites is vanilla....LOVE IT! Don't even get me started on candles! I have them burning practically year round. My husband just can't understand my obsession with them. Maybe it's a Venus/Mars thing.

I use my nose for more productive things as well. I am obsessed with smelling the meat before I cook it, smelling the milk before I pour it, etc. I even smell my rice milk or soy milk before I drink it, even though I don't know what spoiled rice milk or soy milk smells like. I think I may be OCD about these particular things. And, honestly, how many mothers out there have NEVER smelled their babies butts to see if they have a poopy diaper? That is a prerequisite to motherhood. I can truthfully say that I am very glad that that particular prerequisite of parenting only lasts for a couple of short years!

Not only do I love scents, I have a very sensitive nose. I smell things that most other people don't. I can smell the neighbor a mile down the road when they burn leaves. This sensitivity can be a blessing as well as a curse! Bad smells affect me more severely than most people in the form of headaches and upset stomachs. I could NEVER have been married to a hog poor nose just couldn't have handled it!

Just think about your nose for a minute. It is SUCH an amazing organ! Not only does it break up your face and make a person more pleasant to look at. It can be used to warn you of danger, can prevent food poisoning, prevents diaper rash, brings enjoyment, and can also illicit memories. Sometimes when my church has a carry-in dinner...all those smells mixed together instantly brings to mind the school cafeteria (not usually a pleasant memory). The nose also works in conjunction with your tongue. Eating is not merely an act of the mouth, the nose is also used to enjoy tastes.

I have a couple of family members who have "difficulty" with scents. My older sister has chronic sinusitis/allergies. Because of this, she has lost her sense of smell, and thus her sense of taste. She can literally taste nothing but sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Because she cannot smell her food, there is no distinction. My sister-in-law is allergic to scents. If she smells any kind of "artificial" smells I.E. candles, perfume, air freshener, etc. she has an asthma attack and can't breathe. I feel so sorry for both of them! I just can't imagine a life without smells! Imagine for a moment not being able to smell a luscious piece of fruit before you eat it, or never being able to smell a steaming cup of coffee in the morning! Or imagine never smelling or tasting chocolate!!! Yes, of all the senses...I don't think I could live without the sense of smell!

So, the next time you smell something wonderful, take a few moments to thank God, the maker of all things for blessing you with the sense of smell!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! I'm like that too. I'm packing for my cruise next week and I have a zillion soaps and lotions - how can I be expected to pick just ONE!? :) I'm also bringing a tiny can of air freshener (those cabins are SMALL and the bathrooms are even smaller! eek!) OH! And Bath & Body Works?? Fah-getta bout it!!! I can easily spend forever in there!!!
