Wednesday, June 9, 2010

ABCs of May?...OK June now: V is for...

V is for....


Right now, the kids are on "Summer Vacation". It is a vacation from our regular schedule, and a vacation from ordinary school work.

This week, we aren't doing anything school related. It is a total break from all state mandated learning. They are LOVING it!

Next week, we are going to start our summer curriculum. It consists of:
1. Doing something Math related every day.
2. Reading some good books.
3. Doing a Lapbook project on "The Chronicles of Narnia". We are starting with what is actually the last book in the series, but the first book chronologically.."The Magician's Nephew".

We aren't planning any big family vacations, as we have no money...but we are going to go camping at least twice this summer.

In a couple of weeks we are going to go to Mounds State Park for a few days. The kids studied Indiana History this past year, and a big part of our history is the mounds that the Indians built hundreds of years ago. Historians don't really know why the Indians built these mounds, but there are several of them at Mounds State Park (hence the name). It will be a great time of swimming, hiking, staying up late around the campfire, smore's, cooking out, bike rides, etc. It will also be educational and will help reinforce what they learned in Indiana History class.

Then, sometime the beginning of August, we are hoping to go to Springfield, IL with our camping buddies, the Feece family. This trip will depend on finances and whether or not I am working by then. If we go, we will be staying in one of the State Parks near Springfield, and as a day trip, we will go into Springfield and visit the Lincoln Museum. I'm really hoping we can go on this trip. I've been wanting to visit that museum for several years, and it will also be the only chance we have to go camping with the Feece's this year.

I am SO looking forward to these 2 trips.....I really need a vacation! LOL

Psalm 62:1 & 2
My soul finds rest in God alone;
my salvation comes from him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

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