Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Technology Madness

I found this comic to be especially funny! And so true!

I have a love/hate relationship with technology.

I hate talking on the phone, so naturally I love e-mail.

I hate that my children spend so much time either on the computer or playing their DS, but I love the moments of quiet that it brings when they are occupied with things they enjoy. I have recently had to put some tight restrictions on the use of their DS's. I think it is a pretty good sign that they were abusing the privilege when I have to call them 3-4 times before they would look up from the game; and chores, playing outside, and even playing with friends began to take a "back seat" to their games!

I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the technological age. Several years ago, when it first began the "norm" for most households to have a personal computer, I thought it was ridiculous...."why? I have a typewriter, we don't need a computer!" When my husband finally got a computer (this was before internet), I have to admit, I did find it more convenient than a typewriter or writing letters by hand.

When Scott started making "noise" about getting internet, I thought... "We have a telephone! There is no reason why we need the internet!" Who knew that years later, my children would be enrolled in an online school, or that I would take a college course entirely through the internet, and now have a job working from home that is entirely done through the internet! I have never even personally met my boss!

A couple of years ago, my sister told me I should open a Facebook account. I thought..."Why? I have no interest in that type of thing!" Who knew that through Facebook I have reconnected with friends I haven't seen in years, and am able to keep up with them almost on a daily basis!

Through the internet I am able to research topics to enrich my children's homeschooling. I am able to listen to radio programs such as Revive Our Hearts, or classical music from countries across the ocean. I am also able to have my heart and soul uplifted through amazing sermons online.

I still think that there is a time and place for technology, and that it needs to be kept in perspective. Like everything in life, it should be used in moderation, and with care.

I still have my aversions to too much technology. I just recently got a cell phone, to be used only when I am going somewhere...in case of emergency. And, I have no interest in learning how to text! But..... *sigh* OK....I have to admit......technology isn't such a bad thing after all!

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