Friday, May 7, 2010

ABC's of May: F is for......

F is for….


/frɛnd/ –noun

1. A person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.

2. A person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.

3. A person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?

1. Comrade, chum, crony, confidant. See acquaintance. 2. Backer, advocate. 4. Ally, associate, confrere, compatriot.

1, 4. Enemy, foe.

Sometimes, when I am in a “woe is me… nobody loves, me everybody hates me” mood, I think that I don’t have any friends. Then I am snapped back into reality and realize how blessed I am to have friends.

On my facebook account I currently have 102 “friends”. Most of those people are actual friends. I have a few that are only acquaintances, and a lot of them are family members (who I would hope would be friends as well). Several of them are friends I had in school, and because of the wonders of technology, we have been able to reconnect.

I think all of these people would fall under the definitions #1 and #2 above. Imagine 102 people that are attached to me by feelings of affection, and would give assistance. How could I ever complain of never having any friends?

Let’s not forget about my “Furry Friends”!

I LOVE my dogs! Always in the past, I thought I was a cat person, and I do like cats….I’m just allergic to them. Now that I’ve had my dogs though….I could never go back to having a cat!

A cat doesn’t greet you at the door, wiggling in excitement, EVERY time you come home. It doesn’t matter if I’ve been gone all day, or if I’ve just walked next door for 10 minutes, I get the same greeting. A cat doesn’t jump in your lap and lick your face, just because they love you. A cat doesn’t sense when you are upset and come to comfort you.

About a year ago, Travis was sick with the flu. I made him a little “nest” of blankets and pillows on the floor in the living room so he could lie around and watch TV. Our dog Sally stayed by his side ALL day.

I also have my “Feathered Friends”.

I don’t have to tell you how much I love birds; I’ve talked about them enough that that is self-evident! I’m not sure why I love birds so much. I just find them fascinating! The whole idea of a creature that can FLY! Back around Christmas time my finches had babies. I was so worried that when the babies fledged (came out of the nest for the 1st time) they would fall and get hurt. Those little stinkers just KNEW how to fly! When they fledged, they FLEW out of the nest! Nobody had to teach them!

Birds come in so many shapes and sizes and colors too. I’ve thought long and hard about whether there is any kind of bird I don’t like, and I suppose I would have to say I’m not too fond of a Vulture or a Buzzard, they are kind of gross birds. Although, they do serve a good purpose.

People were made to need attachments. Whether with other people or animals, people were not meant to be alone. When God created Adam He said it was not good for him to be alone….so he made Eve.

Genesis 2:18 “The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

I know that I am definitely on suited to be alone; I am so thankful that I have been blessed with so many good friends, human and otherwise!

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