Saturday, May 15, 2010

ABCs of May: M is for....

M is for….


May is the month set aside to celebrate mothers.

I am a mother. I have been mother for 12 years.

Being a mother has been a wonderful experience so far. It is never easy, but very gratifying. There is nothing like being unconditionally loved by someone, my kids love me unconditionally. I can’t imagine life without them. It is an awesome responsibility, being a mother, one that I don't take lightly. I am doing the best I can to raise my children to be honest, hard-working, productive members of society, to honor and respect their parents and people in authority over them, and most of all to love the Lord and serve Him.

I pray for my children. I pray that they will have hearts that are tender towards things of God. I pray that they will grow up and find peace and contentment in whatever careers they choose. I pray for their future spouses. I pray that my children will remain pure until marriage and that they will see the benefits of remaining pure. I pray that my daughter will see how modesty can be a blessing and will want to strive to always dress and act modestly.

I have a wonderful mother. She is a very caring, hardworking woman who I have turned to many times over the years for advice. She loves to cook and garden and sew. She has taught me everything I know about cooking, housekeeping, and quilting. My mother just turned 78 last Monday. I look forward to many more years of turning to her whenever I need anything.

Yes, motherhood is never easy, but nothing worth doing is easy and I wouldn't trade the title "mom" for anything in the world!

Proverbs 31: 28-30

Her children arise and call her blessed;

her husband also, and he praises her:

Many women do noble things,

but you surpass them all.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;

but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.

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